As tempting as it is to record all of Andrew Cuomo’s press conferences and play them on loop (bonus points if he’s wearing that tight polo), Trevor Noah Zoomed into The Tonight Show’s at-home edition with a request for people freaking out about the coronavirus pandemic: Maybe, just maybe, stop watching the news. Seriously, just stop. The Office is a nice alternative. Wheel of Fortune? Terrific choice. So is literally anything else. “I’m trying to inform my audience, and I’m trying to stay informed,” Noah explained. “But I still don’t believe anybody should be watching the news 24 hours a day. The truth is, news has to tell you news. So they’re going to find you bad things to tell you 24 hours to make the thing continue. I don’t think it’s healthy.” Noah added that he knows his Daily Show audience wants “essential news” so they can “carry on living their lives.” Other late-night shows are tending to agree.