Amid the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve been checking up on our favorite stars and artists who may be at risk. Tom Hanks? Recovering. Betty White? “Fine.” But let’s not forget about our favorite indie filmmakers, too — like, how’s Paul Schrader doing? The writer-director, currently working on a follow-up to First Reformed, had to pause a movie shoot after a worker tested positive for COVID-19. “Production halted five days before wrap by my pussified producers because an LA day player had the corona virus,” Schrader, 73, wrote on Facebook. “Myself, I would have shot through hellfire rain to complete the film. I’m old and asthmatic, what better way to die than on the job?” Well, those of us here at Vulture would like to encourage you to practice social distancing, Mr. Schrader, so you can finish that movie of yours when this is all over. We need things to look forward to!
Schrader, for his part, has been caring for his sick wife, actress Mary Beth Hurt, as he recently told Metrograph — giving him all the more reason to stay home. His next movie, he said, would star Oscar Isaac, Tiffany Haddish, Tye Sheridan, and Willem Dafoe. “I’ve only got five or six years left,” he said in that January interview. Sounds like enough time to pause a shoot for a few months.