As the saying goes, the show must go on, even in the face of a global pandemic. Ignoring every piece of available advice on how to stem the outbreak of the coronavirus, popular psycho-billy band The Reverend Horton Heat has declared that they will not be canceling any performances, simply because “they can’t stop rock and roll.” Lead singer Jim Heath announced the decision to keep rocking and rolling on the band’s Facebook page, writing that anyone who might be wary of gathering in large groups was in danger of becoming “sheeple to authoritarian government.”
Any cancellations that occur, according to Heath, will be due to promoters canceling the event. He also urges the band’s fans and “everyone who lives in a jurisdiction where local governments are restricting rock and roll to push back.” While governments certainly can’t stop rock and roll, they absolutely can shut down venues where rock and roll is performed, in effect stopping rock and roll. But sure, go off, Jim!