Against Carl Crawford’s best wishes all odds, Megan Thee Stallion released her latest album, Suga, at midnight on Friday, March 6. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you may have heard earlier this week that the chips were stacked against Megan, as her former label, Carl Crawford’s 1501 Certified Entertainment, did everything in its power to keep Megan from releasing new music. This past weekend, Megan attempted to renegotiate her contract with 1501. Crawford and 1501 Entertainment sued her in an attempt to prevent her from releasing new music. After a week of legal action from both Megan and 1501, Megan came out on top, with a judge granting a temporary restraining order against 1501 on her behalf and giving her permission to release new music. But like a mare galloping at sunset, Thee Stallion simply couldn’t be tamed. Now, her nine-track album Suga, featuring Kehlani and Gunna, is available and there’s nothing Crawford or 1501 entertainment can do about it. To throw some salt in the wound, Megan also released the music video for her lead single, “B.I.T.C.H,” just so everyone remembers exactly who she is. Stream Suga and #FreeTheeStallion within you.