This! Is! Going to be an instant best seller! Jeopardy! icon and everybody’s honorary uncle Alex Trebek will be releasing his memoir, The Answer Is…: Reflections on My Life, on July 21. Simon & Schuster confirmed the news today, announcing that Trebek finally chose to pen a memoir after years of rejecting publishers due to “all of the goodwill” he’s received from fans over the past year following his stage-four pancreatic cancer diagnosis. In addition to detailing his cancer battle, Trebek will write about his marriage, success, and spirituality, as well as lighter fare such as “what prompted him to shave his signature mustache, his insights on legendary players like Ken Jennings and James Holzhauer, and his opinion of Will Ferrell’s Saturday Night Live impersonation.” He might even answer your burning Jeopardy! clues questions, too. “I want people to know,” Trebek said, “a little more about the person they have been cheering on for the past year.” Vulture wants Trebek to know, too, that we love him and can’t wait to read this.