Before he became the bona fide greatest of all time, Ken Jennings was a humble, wildly intelligent software engineer with a sharp haircut who managed to churn out a historic 74-game winning streak on Jeopardy! back in the early aughts. And now, for the first time ever, the game show is reairing two of these Jennings-era episodes for us to enjoy amid the coronavirus pandemic. What is … fun! The show confirmed today that starting on Monday, May 4, through Friday, May 15, regularly scheduled episodes (which have shut down production since March) will be interrupted by reruns of its GOAT tournament, as well as Jennings’s first and last episodes as a regular contestant in 2004. May 4 will feature his inaugural match and May 15 will air his ultimate defeat by a California realtor, with the in-between episodes showcasing the megapopular tournament that starred Jennings, Brad Rutter, and James Holzhauer earlier this year. But why stop there? Do the Watson Challenge reruns next.