last night on late night

John Mulaney Is Very Proud of His Myers–Briggs Test Results

During last night’s remotely produced episode of Late Night, Seth Meyers took some time to catch up with fellow Saturday Night Live alum and current TikTok makeup trend sensation and p’dcast co-host John Mulaney. In the above clip is some explanation of a drawing Mulaney tweeted earlier this month, which was made by one his Sack Lunch Bunch co-stars Linder Sutton and depicts Mulaney in his truest form: as a Vans shirt-wearing, sksksksk-ing VSCO girl. “I want to say this in a non-creepy way: I’m deeply interested in the world of VSCO girls,” Mulaney said. After he ran through a few of the things he’s been up to during quarantine, Meyers added that Mulaney has been “cultivating that relationship with those 8 to 13-year-olds” from Sack Lunch Bunch, to which Mulaney replied, “I’ve done a couple Zooms. I don’t like the way you described it.”

As for what Mulaney’s life is like under quarantine, it turns out he’s spending most of his time watching (and loving) The Real Housewives of New York for the first time, plus sending plenty of emails and texts, reheating Trader Joe’s food, and taking personality tests. As for the latter, Mulaney seems pretty pleased with his Myers–Briggs result (he’s an ESFP, for the record). “It hit way too many of the marks,” he told Meyers on the test result. “Especially the ‘20 minutes to answer one question.’ Like I remember someone once asked me ‘How did John F. Kennedy die?’ and it took me 17 minutes.” If that means we get many more very long descriptions from Mulaney about VSCO girls are, we aren’t complaining.

John Mulaney Is Very Proud of His Myers–Briggs Test Results