If you are at risk of self-administering a regrettable at-home stick-and-poke tattoo while in your feelings under quarantine, maybe you shouldn’t listen to the new Spotify Singles from Dashboard Confessional just yet. Recorded at Electric Lady Studios in pre-apocalypse 2020, lead singer and guitarist Chris Carrabba & Co. paid homage to fellow be-tatted artist Post Malone with a cover of breakup song “Circles.” They also recorded a “reimagining” of their 2000 song “Screaming Infidelities,” which now sounds as wearily aching and yearning as our socially isolated lives. Instead of trying to design an illegible lyric tattoo through your tears, why not give yourself a radical haircut? It’s just as dramatic of a thing to do while crying, and it won’t last forever.
Last night, Carrabba hosted a livestream set called “As Social As I Get Now” to support the Music Health Alliance. He is one of many musicians who have taken to livestreaming across various platforms during the coronavirus, whether directly to raise money for charities or just to raise spirits.