Cue up the Steely Dan because Oh, Hello is moving on down from Broadway to podcasts, baby. On April 3, which is tomorrow, John Mulaney and Nick Kroll will release the first episode of Oh, Hello: The P’dcast, because what we all need right now is to be equal parts tickled and terrorized by Gil Faizon and George St. Geegland. For those of you who haven’t watched their segments on the Kroll Show or seen their superb Broadway show on Netflix, Gil and George are a couple of ornery, tuna-lovin’ New Yorkers who could never understand the concept of “social distancing” because they are the human embodiment of coughing in a stranger’s mouth.
John Mulaney tweeted a link to the P’dcast’s Apple Podcasts page, which already has a perfectly wacky description of what to expect:
She was the People’s Princess and they were two men who hung out at Duane Reade. But now worlds have collided. From the stars of “Oh Hello, on Broadway” and the video taped version of “Oh, Hello on Broadway” comes a podcast on the life and death of Princess Diana.
It’s also a podcast on the life and loves of George St. Geegland (Oh, Hello on Broadway, TED Talk Submission) and Charmed I’m Sure Gil Faizon (Oh, Hello on Broadway, Nestle commercial web-only, can do French accent).
There’s also a one-minute trailer in which a Sarah Koenig–style audio producer reads a “Xerox copy of a fax” sent to her by Gil and George:
Oh, hello. It’s George and Gil, your favorite guys in the world and also New York, which is an awesome city, but not as good as it used to be, because of Mayor DiBlasio and the Knicks, who stink. We are in mandatory self-quarantine right now, but we think what the world needs is a podcast from us, George and Gil: the bad boys of broadcast. It’s time we finish and air this podcast. The very fact that we have content banked means we are miles ahead of the competition. Even a half-finished podcast that almost ruined our friendship is more than you dunces have out there in nobodyville. We’re gonna win the quarantine. And one last thing: you’re welcome.
Charmed, we’re sure.