In a teeny preview of the film industry’s possible near-future, Sam Neill and Helena Bonham Carter collaborated remotely on a tiny quarantine short film titled Das Fone Hell, which features The Crown actress as her costar’s deeply jealous iPhone, envious of his former, less technologically evolved devices.
“HELENA BONHAM CARTER stars in this groundbreaking Cinema Quarantino Production DAS FONE HELL,” proclaimed the Jurassic World: Dominion World actor on Twitter. “At vast expense, filmed on two continents over what (seemed like) five years , this profound and heartbreakingly candid insight into Modern Life will shake you to the core (Pilates 101).”
In all honesty, this is probably as much Black Mirror-type dystopia as we can handle right now, and even Black Mirror agrees. Plus, it’s 20% hornier than 99% of Black Mirror episodes at the end there, which is something to think about for next season, Charlie Brooker.