Though the role of celebrity hosts in at-home Saturday Night Live episodes is a bit unclear, any excuse for Kristen Wiig to break out her Liza Minnelli impression is a welcome one. Wiig stopped by the 45th season finale of the show with a musical intro featuring jazz hands and a Cabaret bowler hat, before sliding into an intimate candle-lit monologue centered around Mother’s Day. “I don’t know if I truly appreciated my mom the first 45 years of my life. But this year I’m feeling especially grateful for her advice, her love. I’m so thankful for all the things she taught me … like breastfeeding. Babies love that chicken,” she says, brandishing a plate of raw chicken breasts. Wiig wraps things up with a message of thanks to moms everywhere and one very loud rendition of a lullaby her mom sang to her as a child: “Don’t make a sound / ’Cause mommy loves you / Good night!”