After actor and comedian Jerry Stiller died on May 11 at the age of 92, there was an outpouring of remembrances and tributes across the internet. Yesterday, Stiller’s Seinfeld co-star Michael Richards joined Instagram after having “avoided social media completely” in order to “say something, belatedly, about a person I loved.” Richards posted a photo from season-seven episode “The Doll” with this caption:
Until today, I have avoided social media completely, but I’ve created this account in order to say something, belatedly, about a person I loved. Jerry Stiller was an absolute treasure. I adored him and loved working with him on ‘Seinfeld.’ Watch the pool table scene — that says it all — we could really shoot the ball back and forth and that’s what happened between us throughout the series. He was hilarious and a great friend. He’s a legendary showman and he was always an inspiration to me.
Richards receded from the limelight in the years following his viral racist tirade at the Hollywood Laugh Factory, so do with that what you will, but we definitely second his suggestion to watch the pool-table scene, a link to which is the only thing in his bio: It’s Frank Costanza at his grumpy, stubborn best, doing some great physical comedy.