Mindy Kaling’s Netflix show Never Have I Ever transported audiences back to their high-school years (or, in the case of actual high schoolers, just back to pre-coronavirus) with Devi Vishwakumar, a 15-year-old Indian-American girl in Sherman Oaks, California, who’s got a major crush on dopey older boy Paxton Hall-Yoshida. While Paxton H-Y may be the sole object of Devi’s affection, his sheer hotness is known all across the San Fernando Valley. “Every teen in SoCal knows who Paxton is, bro,” a Model U.N. kid tells Devi in episode five. “He’s got three fan Tumblrs. One of them is entirely in Korean.”
Stan Tumblrs, ranging from update accounts to straight-up shrines, make up the one space in the world where even the sappiest rom-com moments feel like they could happen to you, whether it’s with the most popular guy in school or the most popular guy in the world. (Looking at you, Mr. Worldwide Handsome.) We dug up all of our memories of high-school crushes and created a fan blog, Future Mrs. Hall-Yoshida, inspired by what one of Paxton’s three fan Tumblrs could possibly be posting.