bet awards 2020

Chloe x Halle Gave Dueling BET Awards Performances

Sunday night’s virtual BET Awards had Meg Max: Fury Road, an all-star performance of Public Enemy’s “Fight the Power,” and a speech from Beyoncé. An unexpected delight: dueling performances from icons-in-the-making/Bey protégés Chloe x Halle. The sisters paired the fuck boy–infidelity hymn “Forgive Me” with “Do It,” the official song of the summer (which may or may not be about Chloe’s ex-bae Diggy Simmons) for dancing indoors, responsibly, while social distancing. On two sets, with a costume and glam change, the girls served vocal runs! Harmonies! Choreography! Your quarantine live performance could never! Chloe x Halle’s latest album Ungodly Hour was released at the top of June. Any of their songs could’ve gone head to head, but “Do It” against “Forgive Me” was worthy of its own Verzuz.

Chloe x Halle Gave Dueling BET Awards Performances