Quarantine has forced us all to do some serious reevaluating. Whether it’s about where we live, who we’re married to, or where we work, everything in our lives is now up for a deep and thorough reexamination. Hopefully if the former sentence applies to you, you’re lucky enough to have a friend like Mary McCormack in your life. McCormack joined Chelsea Handler for another episode of our Instagram Live series Two Friends: A Nice Time Hanging Out With People Who Know Each Other Well and got straight down to business.
In case you didn’t know, Handler is single. Very single. Like, not as a bit, but for real, she’s single and looking. She and McCormack, her best friend, have spent a lot of time trying to sort out exactly what Handler is looking for in a relationship, and it all came to a head over Instagram last night. As they discussed Handler’s dating history, McCormack held up photos. Yes, physical photos, like the kind you have to order online and go get printed at CVS. Or maybe she has a photo printer because she’s a celebrity? The point is, McCormack is the kind of friend who will go deep into a conversation about your dating life with you, to the point where she is holding physical photos of your ex up to your face and asking you to examine your choices. That’s the kind of friendship that everyone needs, now more than ever.
If you enjoyed this episode of Two Friends, follow Vulture on Instagram for information on upcoming episodes. Coronavirus isn’t going anywhere and neither are we.