Is Hamilton the only family-friendly programming that exists these days? Host Steve Harvey’s Celebrity Family Feud went to the dogs this Sunday, after former NFL player Bruce Smith went with an admittedly hilarious NSFW answer on the game show. The Hall of Fame defensive end was asked “If Captain Hook was moonlighting as a handyman, he might replace his hook with what tool?” His first answer, “hammer,” was taken, so Smith’s mind immediately went to the next tool he could think of, Standards and Practices be damned: “A penis.” Not a screwdriver, not a wrench, not even a tape measure. Upon hearing the answer, Steve Harvey continued with the next question before doing a double-take. “What the fuck did he say?” he asked the audience, frozen. Meanwhile, Bruce Smith and his team of pro Hall of Famers, Michael Irvin, Cris Carter, Orlando Pace, and Former Packers coach Kevin Greene, were going wild in the background. Well? Survey says? Big ol’ zero. “Penis” is not something Handyman Hook would employ. Don’t know what version of Peter Pan Bruce Smith’s been watching, but we bet it’s not on Disney+ …