Like the Blue Fairy told Pinocchio, always let your conscience be your guide. Unless your conscience is telling you to chow down while walking maskless through an amusement park right now, in which case, that voice is maybe not working in your best interest. Following the reopening of Disney World’s Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom last week in Orlando amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the parks have apparently had to update their attendee guidelines in real time in response to, you know, the stuff people typically do at a theme park. According to Variety, fan blogs have noticed that Disney visitors, who are required to wear masks, now also cannot eat or drink and move about the park at the same time.
“Face coverings are required for all Guests (ages 2 and up) and Cast Members,” Disney World’s “Face Coverings” guidelines now reads. “Please bring your own face coverings and wear them at all times, except when dining or swimming. You may remove your face covering while actively eating or drinking, but you should be stationary and maintain appropriate physical distancing.” And for those of you looking to skirt the rules by eating while swimming, come on, guys. According to CNBC, Florida reported over 12,523 cases of COVID-19 on Saturday, the fifth straight day the state registered over 10,000 new cases.