Rick and Morty actress Spencer Grammer, voice of Summer Smith on the animated series and daughter of actor Kelsey Grammer, was slashed and her male companion stabbed Friday night outside the Black Ant in the East Village. The New York Police Department confirmed to USA Today that a “36-year-old female victim and a 32-year-old male attempted to break up a dispute” between a man and patrons eating outside the restaurant, before both were cut with an “unidentified sharp instrument.” The pair were subsequently “transported to NYC Health & Hospitals/Bellevue and treated for non-life threatening lacerations.”
In a statement to USA Today, the Tell Me a Story and Greek actress said she “sustained a laceration on my arm” while her friend “was stabbed in the back, but thankfully he suffered no serious internal injuries,” but both “expect to recover quickly.” “My friend and I did what anyone else would do in the same situation. Several others, predominantly women, were also attempting to prevent the altercation from escalating,” said the actress, who also thanked the medical staff “who provided us with excellent care” at Bellevue. “They fought an incredible battle this year,” said Grammer. “It was very moving for us to have the opportunity to thank them in person.”