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Ratched Trailer: One Flew Over Sarah Paulson’s Nest

To all of the nurses who are continuing their tireless fights against the coronavirus pandemic, allow us to say: We salute you and in no way believe you’d ever want to perform unsupervised lobotomies on us. Not even on your worst day. Nurse Ratched, on the other hand … [Shudders]. Netflix premiered the first trailer for Ratched, which stars Sarah Paulson as the seminal One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest villain during her early years, when she’s still working out the kinks of her sadistic behavior in the mental-health-care system. The action will start in 1947, when she’s fresh from “serving” in World War II. “You deserve someone to show you mercy,” she tells a patient, presumably seconds before killing him. “How different I would be if someone had.” The nine-episode first season will premiere on September 18, and the show has already been picked up for a second season.

Ratched Trailer: One Flew Over Sarah Paulson’s Nest