K-pop super group BTS continues to break new ground, even amid a global pandemic. Earlier this month, the global superstars announced their fourth film, Break The Silence: The Movie, which is set to hit theaters (pandemic permitting) on September 24 and at midnight on Friday, August 21, the boy band released the music video for their latest single, “Dynamite,” and the K-pop group’s first single sung entirely in English, and it’s absolutely adorable. Rocking a pastel color palette right out of your candy-coated dreams, the BTS boys dance along to the Disco Pop track, singing about the simple pleasures in life like ice tea and Ping-Pong. “Shoes on get up in the morn / Cup of milk let’s rock and roll / King Kong kick the drum / Rolling on like a rolling stone.” Who doesn’t start their day with a cup of milk and King Kong kicking a drum? Check out the music video for BTS’s first fully English-language song, “Dynamite,” and imagine singing and dancing as well as these boys do in any language whatsoever.
Update, Monday, August 24, at 1:50 p.m.: Since there were obviously too many shots of the boys smizing in the camera to let go to waste, BTS dropped a “Dynamite” music video B-side, with double the adorable. More dance moves, more winks, more bell-bottoms, more Jungkook getting caught with a doughnut, and more V in that incredible green suit. Stay till the end for bloopers, then alternate between the above OG (now at 184 million views and climbing) and the B-side below.