Look, we’ve all been doing whatever it takes to get ourselves through quarantine. Former child stars orchestrate cast reunions. January Jones posts performance art. Armie Hammer and Elizabeth Chambers got divorced after 10 years of marriage back in July, and Hammer’s coping by … growing a frankly ludicrous Hulk Hogan mustache. Hammer debuted his new rebound fling (the mustache) in British GQ, in a feature that opens by describing him as “tall as a police horse”. Ostensibly, the interview is about mental health and promoting his upcoming film Rebecca, but the ‘stache really steals focus. Hammer says his publicist “begged” him to shave it off, but he refused, because “we needed to get a few shots with the tache, man. It was too damn good. Part hairy biker, part 1970s pervert, nothing in between.” Hammer has clearly taken a cue from fellow stachester, his Man from U.N.C.L.E. co-star Henry Cavill. More like Man from D.A.D.D.Y.
That there’s a peach-eatin’ stache if ever Iwe’ve seen one.