On Wednesday afternoon, in blue, purple, yellow, but mostly very gray Times Square, a bunch of Broadway stars gathered on the steps to sing together. The performance of “Sunday” from Sunday in the Park With George, orchestrated by the group NYCNext and directed by Tom Kitt and Tony honoree Michael McElroy, was meant to showcase the city’s artistic talent and provide uplift during the coronavirus pandemic. It was also meant to be fully a surprise so as not to have too many people crowd nearby, which definitely would have happened considering the unbelievable level of talent involved, including Andrew Rannells, Carolee Carmello, Jason Gotay, Telly Leung, Norm Lewis, Andréa Burns, and Bernadette Peters, star of the original Sunday, her curly hair unmissable even behind a face shield. The traditional indoor musical performance most of these actors are known for hasn’t happened in the city since Broadway closed in March and probably won’t resume until at least this January (when theaters are currently shuttered until), and likely not until months later. For the many people who, reasonably, were not in midtown on a weekday afternoon, NYCNext has luckily uploaded a video of it all to Instagram so that you can watch it and then tear up.