As the music community continues to mourn the death of Eddie Van Halen, David Crosby, grandaddy of rock and noted Twitter rapscallion, is apologizing for not being as delicate with a remembrance as he should’ve been. Last week, Croz responded to a fan who asked for his opinion about Van Halen’s musicianship with a simple “meh,” doubling down in further tweets with the following: “Sorry, just meant he does not move me much. Look I get it, many of you loved Van Halen and the one time I met he was nice and he was talented. Meh to me means I don’t care that much and I don’t. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t good, he was but not for me.” Days, and more Van Halen tributes, rolled by before Crosby remerged on October 13 to admit that his blithe comments weren’t due to personal distaste for the guitarist but rather because his memory failed him. “Yes you Van Halen fans I did just toss off an answer that was not cool,” Crosby tweeted. “The even more embarrassing truth is I didn’t even remember he had just died or I would have kept my mouth shut. I do make mistakes, no offense intended.” Hey, has Neil Young said anything yet?