No one does it quite like Stevie. At midnight on Friday, October 9, Stevie Nicks released a brand new song, “Show Them the Way,” her first new solo song since releasing her LP, 24 Karat Gold, in 2014. The single is very autobiographical in nature and finds Nicks singing about her experiences in the 1960s, her house in the Hamptons, and singing for Martin Luther King Jr. “It was just another night in the presence of Martin Luther King / I was just a dreamer/ I was ready for the Kennedys,” sings Nicks, waxing nostalgic about her very cool past. More recently, Stevie Nicks’s voice has reentered the public’s consciousness because of an incredibly viral TikTok posted by Nathan Apodaca featuring him listening to “Dreams” while longboarding and drinking Ocean Spray cranberry juice, recreated by her Fleetwood Mac bandmate Mick Fleetwood. “Please God, show them the way / I think we’re just in time to save it / Just in time,” Nicks sings at the end of the song, which seems especially prescient considering, you know, what’s at stake for our country in just a few weeks’ time. Check out Nicks’s first new song in six years below and hope that God and the spirits she’s singing to hear her song, for our sake.