The first person that comes to mind when you think TV star — Nicole Kidman, of course — will be executive-producing and starring in yet another prestige-sounding television series, this time for Prime Video. There was probably a time when Kidman didn’t have that “TV” qualifier in front of the word “star,” but boy, howdy, does she ever like herself some television. Amazon Studios announced today that it has picked up the drama series Things I Know to Be True, based on the stage play of the same name by Andrew Bovell. The show “is about the resilience of an enduring marriage and the evolving nature of a family’s love, as Bob and Fran Price watch their adult children make unexpected decisions which change the course of their lives.” In the statement, Kidman said, “I’ll never forget the experience I had watching Andrew’s play in Sydney, having one of those transcendent theater experiences. Andrew’s play is exquisite and his scripts for the series are just as good. With Amazon’s belief, Jen Salke’s guidance, and an extraordinary producing team, we have big hopes for what this can be.” Will she turn the Australian source material American, even though she herself is Australian, like what they did with Big Little Lies? Will Bob be played by Hugh Grant, her TV husband in The Undoing? Will there be an opportunity for her to sing? Much to think about.