
Dave Bautista Is Basically Dog the Alien Bounty Hunter in Universe’s Most Wanted

Photo: Rich Polk/Getty Images for IMDb

The ongoing impact of COVID-19 on the film industry aside, Dave Bautista still believes in the future of big, splashy, sci-fi movies. Plus, he knows which side his bread is buttered on: the side gripped by the scaly green hand of an alien. According to Deadline, the Guardians of the Galaxy star is teaming up with director Brad Peyton, of Rampage and San Andreas fame, to take up scaly green arms against the Universe’s Most Wanted.

The film will reportedly take place in a small town understandably shocked when “a space ship carrying the universe’s most wanted and dangerous criminals crash lands in their backyard,” Con Air–style (Con NASA?) The sheriff’s son must subsequently join forces with “an intergalactic peacekeeper,” played by Bautista, to contain the craft’s aliens, who, as you can imagine, immediately set off to take over the world. The movie is reportedly scheduled to go into production this coming spring, which is exactly the kind of optimism we like to hear from somebody tasked with containing an universe’s worth of supervillains to one sleepy burg.

Dave Bautista Gets Ready to Wrangle Universe’s Most Wanted