It’s no visit to the uncanny valley by way of Skimbleshanks’s railway train, but Idris Elba is still delivering a holiday present for you and yours this December. According to Variety, the Cats star will be interviewing Paul McCartney for an upcoming BBC One and BBC Music holiday special, ahead of the former Beatle’s upcoming album, McCartney III. The special will reportedly focus on McCartney’s “career as one of the most successful musicians and composers in pop-music history.”
“When I was asked if I wanted to speak to Paul McCartney, after I realized it wasn’t a joke, I immediately said yes — who wouldn’t?!,” Elba said in a statement. “I am a massive fan of Paul’s! His work has inspired and driven me as a musician, and once I get through the shock of sharing the stage with him, I’m excited to talk about his music and craft. What an honour! Looking forward to sitting with you, Paul.”
The hour-long special does not have a release date as of yet. The pair will reportedly film their interview in London over the next couple weeks, COVID restrictions permitting, and depending on how long it takes them to CGI everyone’s buttholes into the final version.