auteur theory

My Cousin Vinny Director Responds to Giuliani’s Press Conference Shout-out

Photo: 20th Century Fox

During the few moments when Rudy Giuliani wasn’t literally melting down at his voter fraud press conference on Thursday, New York City’s former mayor was acting like one of those bros on Film Twitter: He compared an alleged national voting conspiracy to the 1992 comedy classic My Cousin Vinny, declaring it as “one of my favorite law movies” and recapping the scene where Vinny “asks a witness on the stand how many fingers he is holding up.” (Giuliani thought this was an apt comparison to the election’s Republican poll watchers. Get it? Because the witness was far away from Vinny in the courtroom?) Well, the film’s director got wind of Giuliani’s fanboy musings about Joe Pesci, and had this to say when asked about them by THR. “I regard Giuliani’s praise of My Cousin Vinny as generous from the man,” Jonathan Lynn said, “who is currently giving the Comedy Performance of the Year.” How else could we possibly explain Four Seasons Total Landscaping or his pants in Borat 2?

My Cousin Vinny Director Responds to Giuliani Shout-out