Well, hello! Somewhere amid all the darkness of Election Day, here’s something to celebrate! New Jersey, birthplace to her holiness SZA, has legalized marijuana, and when SZA is happy, we’re happy. On Tuesday afternoon, the R&B goddess tweeted about how she dabbled in human affairs by voting in this contentious election. “Dont even know if it matters jus wanted to at LEAST BE ABLE TO SAY I DIDNT GIVE MY CHOICE AWAY FOR FREE. Do whatever’s in your heart.” Her vote was hugely important to her this time, at least in part because of New Jersey’s proposal to begin the process of legalizing and regulating recreational marijuana. “Now if they don’t legalize marijuana in jersey yalll can kiss my ass and I’m never voting again,” she joked in another tweet. The stakes were high, just like the folks living in California, Oregon, Colorado, and the eight other legal states (plus D.C.!) were last night.
Later, after tweeting about watching Purge: Election Year “for dramatic effect,” the results she’d been waiting for came in: New Jersey had done it and put a lot of pressure on New York to follow suit. Jersey’s poll was part of a wave of drug measures passed across the country: Arizona, Montana, and South Dakota also voted to legalize recreational weed, while Mississippi legalized medical use; Oregon one-upped everybody by legalizing psychedelic mushrooms and decriminalizing the possession of street drugs. “I won Gn,” SZA tweeted victoriously, and so far she is the only person to come out of Election Night feeling like a winner. It’s what she deserves!