Here’s a little Election Day Eve surprise for you: the way Donald Trump pronounces Lady Gaga’s name. On the campaign trail in Avoca, Pennsylvania, just outside Joe Biden’s hometown of Scranton, the Republican nominee went on a tangent about Lady Gaga, set to perform at a Biden rally in Pittsburgh later this evening. “Now he’s got Lady Gaga,” Trump told the crowd. “Lady Gaga … is not too good. I could tell you plenty of stories. I could tell you stories about Lady Gaga. I know a lot of stories. Lady Gaga.” And he really wanted you to know there were two syllables in Gaga, giving each ga separate attention every time he said it. Laydee Gah-Gah. It’s now ringing in your head, isn’t it? And something tells us it won’t go away when the polls close tomorrow.
The Trump campaign sent out a press release on November 1, attacking Biden for campaigning with “anti-fracking activist” Gaga, who communications director Tim Murtaugh referred to as part of “the liberal Hollywood elite.” (She is also, after all, on the Trump administration’s list of unapproved celebrities.) Gaga replied the same night, tweeting, “HEY TIM HEY @realDonaldTrump SO HAPPY IM GLAD TO BE LIVING RENT FREE in your HEAD. #BidenHarris.” She also decorated the press release with her own message, writing, “Heeeey Donald … #WINNING (also, what is a fracking?) keep your jobs PA …”
As morbidly curious as we are about what Gaga stories Trump could tell us (and how they relate to his attendance at a 2010 Monster Ball performance), we do have to contest his review of Gaga as “not too good.” Did you see the VMAs performance? Have you listened to “Rain on Me”? Have you heard her sound-checking “Shallow” before her Biden rally? (If you haven’t, let that cleanse your ears.) So listen to the woman herself and make sure to vote tomorrow. And don’t even get us started on what Trump has to say about “Beyonsee.”