Late-night comedy treasure Amber Ruffin took some time off from The Amber Ruffin Show to stop by Late Night With Seth Meyers, making her debut as Lil Doof, a rapper who loves Donald Trump because “anyone who makes me pay a lot of taxes can’t have my vote.” Meyers is confused by Lil Doof’s whole deal — he is, of course, signed to America First Records, “a record label that’s owned and operated by Donald Trump.” Meyers makes clear that he is not a fan, but Lil Doof soldiers on and tries to get a call-and-response going — sadly, as Meyers points out, “No one’s here.” Lil Doof eventually breaks down, confessing, “Trump told me that he needed a rapper to endorse him to get the Black vote, and that if I did that, he’d give me a buttload of money,” even though Lil Doof himself admits he is “not a good rapper.” If only a certain other Trump-approved celebrity had similar self-awareness.