do you even vape bro?

Xbox Asks People to Please Stop Vaping Into Their Xboxes

The Xbox Series X, sans vape smoke.
The Xbox Series X, sans vape smoke. Photo: Xbox

Microsoft’s latest Xbox console was released into the world on Tuesday, and almost immediately caused a stir when videos showing the system “overheating” started to circulate on Twitter. In one video, which racked up over 2 million views, smoke appears to be billowing out of the new Xbox Series X (not to be confused with the Xbox One X). But eagle-eyed viewers thought the smoke looked familiar, and quickly started pointing out that it looked less like hardware spontaneously bursting into flames and more like a sick cloud of vape smoke. Yep, it turns out people have been ripping cotton straight into a brand-spanking-new piece of $500 technology.

On Wednesday evening, the official Xbox Twitter account tried to put the matter to bed, tweeting simply, “We can’t believe we have to say this, but please do not blow vape smoke into your Xbox Series X.”

Considering that just a few years ago Nintendo had to tell people to stop licking Switch cartridges, we can kinda believe they have to say it.

Xbox Asks People to Please Stop Vaping Into Their Xboxes