Cheer’s Jerry Harris faces new federal charges in Chicago for alleged sex crimes involving minors, lawyers for two accusers said Friday. The seven-count indictment, which came down Thursday, marks an expansion of the federal prosecutors’ case against Harris; when he was arrested in September, it was on one count of producing child pornography. Attorneys for these two accusers sent a stamped copy of the indictment to reporters.
The charges in this indictment relate to alleged activity in Illinois, Texas, and Florida and involve several victims. Four of the counts relate to the alleged production of child pornography, claiming that Harris “did knowingly use, persuade, induce, and entice a minor … to engage in sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing a visual depiction of such conduct, and for the purpose of transmitting a live visual depiction of such conduct.”
Another count alleges that Harris “knowingly received and attempted to receive child pornography.” And another claims that Harris, “using a facility and means of interstate commerce, namely, the internet, did knowingly persuade, induce, and entice … a minor who had not attained the age of 18 years to engage in sexual activity for which the defendant could be charged with a criminal offense.” Harris also stands accused in one count of traveling across state lines “for the purpose of engaging in illicit sexual conduct.”
Allegations of sexual misconduct against Harris emerged several days before his September arrest on the child-porn charge. Two teenage brothers accused Harris of sending them sexually explicit messages when they were about 13 years old. Lawyers for the twin boys had previously confirmed to Vulture that Harris’s arrest related to their clients’ accusations. One of the twins alleged that Harris had tried to pressure him into oral sex. The allegations were first reported by USA Today.
In the email revealing Harris’s indictment, the two boys’ attorneys, Morgan Stewart and Sarah Klein, said, “We are grateful that the U.S. Attorney and the FBI have continued to investigate this case, locate additional victims, and take action.”
“This was made possible because our clients’ mother initially had the courage to report Harris to the FBI and provided evidentiary proof of the manipulation, sexual harassment, abuse, and exploitation that her sons had suffered,” they also said in the email.
Prosecutors have previously alleged in court papers that Harris admitted to victimizing “at least five to ten children.” Harris’s attorney did not immediately respond to a request for comment.