On Thursday afternoon, DaBaby was arrested in Beverly Hills after police allegedly found a gun while searching his vehicle. CBS Los Angeles reports that the rapper and a few friends were shopping on Rodeo Drive, when a security at the Gucci store called Beverly Hills Police Department regarding “a group of men walking southbound, one of whom was said to have a firearm in his waistband” at about 4:37 p.m. In a video obtained by TMZ, you can see DaBaby and his acquaintances in a vehicle as Beverly Hills police swarm the car. After an exchange in which the police demand that DaBaby roll down the windows, DaBaby and his friends exit the car and are searched while sirens blare in the background. The cops allegedly found a 9mm firearm in the vehicle, and DaBaby was reportedly arrested for carrying a loaded firearm. Clearly, the recent lack of police presence at the U.S. Capitol is not a nationwide problem.
Correction: This post previously stated that the initial call to law enforcement was made by an employee at Moncler. Per a report from CBS Los Angeles, we have updated the post to reflect that a security guard at the Gucci store called the Beverly Hills Police Department.