Godzilla vs. Kong: Just the concept of two of the most legendary, physically huge movie monsters in film history duking it out on the big screen is enough to send a chill down your spine. But the pandemic is still, to use a scientific term, totally a thing, so this entry into Legendary Entertainment’s Godzilla series is getting a simultaneous release along with Warner Bros.’ other 2021 offerings, on HBO Max. Originally designated for a May 21 theatrical release, Variety reported on January 15 that Warner Bros. is bumping Godzilla vs. Kong ahead two months to March 26, when it will be released both in cinemas and on HBO Max. The follow-up to 2019’s Godzilla: King of the Monsters will answer the age old question, “Who would win in a fight: Godzilla, King Kong, or co-star Millie Bobbie Brown?”