We’ve never claimed to be experts on the French judicial system, but the concept of writing a book about a crime you’ve been accused of, and are currently awaiting trial for, seems like a strange idea the world over. According to “Page Six,” however, one of the suspects in the October 2016 Parisian burglary that left Kim Kardashian tied up in her hotel room and $10 million worth of her jewelry stolen has reportedly written a book about the incident entitled J’ai Séquestré Kim Kardashian, or I Kidnapped Kim Kardashian, which will be published February 4.
In an excerpt published by French magazine Closer on Thursday, Yunice Abbas describes alleged details from the crime, including Kardashian’s attempts to dial 911 for help instead of France’s emergency number, 112. “Not very efficient when you are in Paris,” he jokes in the book. Abbas also claims he and his co-conspirators, who gained entrance to Kardashian’s suite while dressed as police, were helped by elderly accomplices able to move about the Hôtel de Pourtalès unnoticed. “What’s more reassuring than the elderly, who are as peaceful as they are anonymous, to gather a maximum of information on scene,” he claims.
In his most wild claim of all, Abbas alleges he personally took Kim Kardashian’s iPhone, only to be shocked to see singer Tracy Chapman’s number pop up as an incoming call. “At the moment that I heard a police car, the sound of the phone made me jump,” he writes. “To my incredulous eyes, a name appeared on the phone’s screen. It’s not possible. I must be hallucinating.” How he knew it was the Tracy Chapman, rather than a Tracy Chapman, without the singer immediately launching into “Fast Car” the second he answered is unclear, but is that part any more absurd than the concept of writing a book about robbing Kim Kardashian? Yes! It’s Tracy Chapman we’re talking about. What are the odds?!