Seth Rogen, like many other Democrat-aligned celebrities, uses his social-media presence not only for self-promotion, but to amplify causes he supports and share critiques of GOP politicians and policies. Or as Rogen put it in a tweet from December, “For real the best thing about this app is being able to tell politicians to go fuck themselves.” So when Rogen isn’t using Twitter to share photos and videos of the glorious fruits of his new pottery hobby, he uses it to absolutely decimate Senator Ted Cruz for his bad-faith social-media politicking in light of the Capitol insurrection on January 6. If you’re wondering why both Seth Rogen and the misspelled hashtag “SethRoganlovesTedCruz” are trending this weekend, it’s because Ted Cruz tweeted on Inauguration Day that Joe Biden reentering the Paris Climate Agreement “indicates he’s more interested in the views of the citizens of Paris than in the jobs of the citizens of Pittsburgh.” After this tweet received flack for its baffling misunderstanding of who the Paris Climate Agreement is for (hint: It’s an international agreement and not literally only for Parisians??), Rogen tweeted in the replies:
Cruz, who holds a seat of massive political power as a senator representing nearly 30 million Americans in a state that is still undergoing the brutal economic and health fallout of a pandemic, decided to spend his time and energy starting a feud with the guy who made Sausage Party. Cruz screen-grabbed Rogen’s reply on January 21 and tweeted, “If you’re a rich, angry Hollywood celebrity, today’s Dems are the party for you.”
To this, Rogen responded, “Go encourage a white supremacist insurrection again you fucking clown,” referring to Cruz’s role in fueling and spreading the voter-fraud conspiracy and objecting to the counting of Electoral College votes before the Capitol riot.
The absolute bodying of Senator Ted Cruz by his fellow Canadian-American continued when Cruz tweeted about seeing Fantasia when he was 4, presumably because his childhood hero was Chernabog. Rogen replied, simply and succinctly, “Everyone who made that film would hate you.”
Cruz took a day to think up his best comeback, which was to tweet, “They’re all dead. So I think we’re good,” and then use Tourette’s as an insult.
Turns out, making fun of a neurological disorder is not the most statesman-like behavior for a senator, nor is it a “charming, civil, educated response.” Rogen responded that there is Tourette’s in his family and he himself has a mild case. On January 24, Rogen tweeted, “All jokes aside, @tedcruz is a fascist piece of shit.”
And the name-calling on a public forum continued, with Cruz calling Rogen a moron and slinging his own oxymoron about the “fascist Left.”
Rogen continued to tweet about Cruz’s role in inspiring the insurrection, writing that he’s ridiculing the politician because he “tried to overthrow our government” and that his conspiratorial rhetoric “got people killed.” Cruz has not responded since.
This is like Rogen’s role as an unconventional political speechwriter in Long Shot come to life, if that character also found the time to sculpt artful ceramics.