No amount of ritual vagina candle lighting could’ve predicted this. In her newest Goop “product pick” newsletter, Gwyneth Paltrow revealed that not only did she have the coronavirus last year (joining numerous prominent people in the entertainment industry), but she’s also experiencing lingering physical and mental symptoms. “I had COVID-19 early on, and it left me with some long-tail fatigue and brain fog,” she wrote. “In January, I had some tests done that showed really high levels of inflammation in my body.” One of Paltrow’s medicine practitioners told her that her “road to healing was going to be longer than usual,” and she’s now enjoying an “intuitive fasting” diet. But fear not! She’s also got some wellness recommendations for us: Why not enjoy a $32 herbal nonalcoholic cocktail, a $500 infrared sauna blanket, or even a $98 face oil?