Following the recent release of the New York Times documentary Framing Britney Spears, which revisits the public gauntlet of sexism and public shaming the singer faced during her meteoric rise as a teenager and personal struggles as a young adult, viewers are livid about how Spears was treated. The doc has also renewed calls for the end of the legal conservatorship Spears has been in since 2008, which positions her father, Jamie Spears, as her legal guardian. Over the past year, fans have called the continued need for the conservatorship into question, and have pointed to Spears’s off-kilter social-media posts as evidence that the singer is suffering from an ongoing mental-health crisis, or is attempting to alert fans to her distress, assertions her sister, Jamie Lynn Spears, denied back in July. Now, Britney Spears’s boyfriend, Sam Asghari, has released a statement in support of the singer and says he’s “looking forward” to a “normal, amazing future,” which is exactly the kind of future we want for Britney, too.
“I have always wanted nothing but the best for my better half, and will continue to support her following her dreams and creating the future she wants and deserves,” the actor, who frequently appears in Spears’s Instagram photos, told People on Monday. “I am thankful for all of the love and support she is receiving from her fans all over the world, and I am looking forward to a normal, amazing future together.”
The filmmakers behind Framing Britney Spears say they did not talk to the singer while making the documentary, but claim it wasn’t due to a lack of trying. “Since Britney has such a tight circle around her, in part because of the conservatorship, or it’s allowed to be that way because of the conservatorship, journalists haven’t really been able to interview her freely,” director Samantha Stark told Entertainment Tonight. “We, as the New York Times, haven’t interviewed her because we want to be able to do it freely, with no one trying to adjust what she says or anything. And it just feels like you can’t ask Britney.”
Update, February 9, 12:30 p.m.: Asghari isn’t mincing words for Spears’s father, Jamie, in a new Instagram Story. “Now it’s important for people to understand that I have zero respect for someone trying to control our relationship and constantly throwing obstacles our way. In my opinion Jamie is a total dick,” Asghari wrote. “I won’t be going into details because I’ve always respected our privacy but at the same time I didn’t come to this country to not be able to express my opinion and freedom,” he added, referencing his immigration from Iran.
Update, February 9, 4 p.m.: Asghari doubled down on his comments when TMZ caught up with him outside a Los Angeles grocery store. “I’m not upset with anybody,” Asghari clarified, before adding, “What I said is what I said. I think he’s a dick, that’s just my opinion, but I’m not going to go into details.” When the reporter asked about a future relationship with Jamie Spears, Asghari added, “Once he starts treating his daughter right, then we can be on good terms.”