the streaming wars

Amazon Prime Video to Stream Thursday Night NFL Games

Photo: Scott Taetsch/Getty Images

In a milestone for streaming services, Amazon Prime Video will now be the exclusive home of the NFL’s Thursday night games, Deadline reported today. The service, which partnered with the NFL Network and Fox to handle Thursday Night Football in 2017, is reportedly paying $1 billion for a season’s worth of games. This marks the first time a streamer has gotten exclusive access to a package of NFL games (earlier this year, Amazon Prime Video became the first streamer to exclusively air an NFL-playoff game). NFL commissioner Roger Goodell praised the deal in an official statement, saying, “These new media deals will provide our fans even greater access to the games they love. We’re proud to grow our partnerships with the most innovative media companies in the market.” Everyday, the world inches closer and closer to this Onion article.

Amazon Prime Video to Stream Thursday-Night NFL Games