A Better Life’s Demián Bichir has reportedly signed on to Let the Right One In, according to Variety. Hopefully he has better luck dealing with his supernatural companion than the protagonists of author John Ajvide Lindqvist’s original 2004 book; its 2008 Swedish film adaptation; its 2010 American version, Let Me In; that 2013 stage play; and TNT’s previously attempted Let the Right One In pilot, mostly because that last one never made it to air.
Per Variety, Showtime has placed a pilot order for the upcoming series adaptation of Lindqvist’s hit vampire novel, written by showrunner Andrew Hinderaker. Godzilla vs. Kong actor Bichir, also known to horror fans for The Nun and the most recent Grudge film, will star as Mark, the “father [of a] 12-year-old daughter, Eleanor, whose lives were changed forever 10 years earlier when she was turned into a vampire.”
Eleanor is subsequently forced to live a nocturnal, isolated life while “her father does his best to provide her with the minimal amount of human blood she needs to stay alive.” Based on the original tale, its many adaptations, and everything we know about vampires, we can go ahead and assume that’s probably not a sustainable long-term plan, but we’re definitely open to any possibilities the show wants to send creeping our way in the middle of the night.