Petulant man-child Piers Morgan is out of a job this week after quitting ITV’s Good Morning Britain, which came after 41,000 people (and his own colleagues) made formal complaints to the network regarding his verbal hailstorm about Meghan Markle’s prime-time interview. Now, however, CNN reports that Markle herself was among the people who lodged a complaint against the network over Morgan’s remarks. The complaint allegedly “concerned the impact Morgan’s comments could have on others and how it could degrade the seriousness of mental-health issues.” On Monday’s Good Morning Britain, Morgan reiterated several times about “not believing” Markle was suicidal as a senior member of the royal family, adding that “I wouldn’t believe her if she read me a weather report.” The newly unemployed wanker doubled down on his opinions in a Wednesday tweet, insisting that “I had time to reflect on this opinion, and I still don’t” believe Markle. Spoken like a confident, never-rejected man who didn’t storm off his own set when someone else dared to share a different opinion than him.