keeping up with the ex-royals

Oprah Says the Queen and Prince Philip Weren’t the Royals Concerned About Skin Tone

It has only been a few hours since CBS aired Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s revealing interview, and The Crown casting directors are already taking feverish notes. During their sit-down conversation with Oprah Winfrey, American royalty, the couple revealed that there were multiple “concerns and conversations about how dark [their son, Archie’s] skin might be when he’s born,” but would not reveal which prominent family members were behind those concerns. Speaking with bestie Gayle King on CBS This Morning today, Oprah said Prince Harry clarified that neither the current reigning monarch of the British empire nor her sickly 99-year-old husband took part in such convos. “He did not share the identity with me, but he wanted to make sure that I knew, and if I had the opportunity to share it, that it was not his grandmother nor his grandfather that were a part of those conversations,” she told King and her co-anchors Monday. In the interview itself, Harry was tight-lipped about naming individual members of the royal family. “I’m never going to share, but at the time, it was awkward and I was a bit shocked,” he said, adding “That was right at the beginning: ‘What will the kids look like?’”

Oprah: Queen, Philip Weren’t Royals Concerned with Skin Tone