With the United Kingdom still in its eight-day national mourning period after the death of Prince Philip, John Oliver, a noted detractor of the royal family, seems to want everyone to remember one particular thing about that Windsor rapscallion. Taking a verbal detour on Sunday’s episode of Last Week Tonight, Oliver reminisced about how exactly Philip was an ideal suitor for Queen Elizabeth prior to their 1946 wedding, and it involved … genetics. “In the U.K., Prince Philip died, which is a tragedy if you don’t know a single thing about him. And even if you know a little bit about him, you might not know this,” Oliver cracked, showing a now-viral clip of a British newsman admitting Philip and Elizabeth were related. (They are, specifically, third cousins from Queen Victoria’s lineage.) “Yeah, it’s true,” Oliver added. “Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth are cousins who later got married — also known as a Giuliani meet-cute.” That Community writer surely must feel vindicated now.