No matter what Khloé Kardashian has to say, every bikini body deserves to be shown off. This week, an Instagram account @KosmeticKrys reshared a photo of Khloé Kardashian that wasn’t Instagram-grid-approved, prompting a takedown request from a Kardashian lawyer. The viral photo is unedited and un-airbrushed, though her body still looks killer in a tiny bikini. Fans are loving a photo where she looks “normal” and not Barbie doll smooth, but after stripping on IG Live to prove she “isn’t Photoshopped” Wednesday, Kardashian responded to the kontroversy by saying the photo doesn’t actually show how perfect she really is. “The photo that was posted this week is beautiful,” she said in a statement. “But as someone who has struggled with body image her whole life, when someone takes a photo of you that isn’t flattering in bad lighting or doesn’t capture your body the way it is after working hard to get it to this point — and then shares it to the world — you should have every right to ask for it to not be shared — regardless of who you are.”
The youngest Kardashian sister says she is all too familiar with society’s magnifying glass. “It’s almost unbearable living up to the impossible standards that the public have all set for me,” she continued. “For over a decade now in photos, every single flaw and imperfection has been micro-analyzed and made fun of to the smallest detail and I am reminded of them everyday by the world. And when I take that criticism to use as motivation to get myself in the best shape of my life and to even help others with the same struggles, I am told I couldn’t have done it through hard work and I must have paid for it all.” Khloé, there are people dying while you spend their life’s worth on trainers – personal and waist. Under capitalism that is her right, she remind us. “I love a good filter, good lighting, and an edit here and there,” she admits, about Photoshopping certain pics. “The same way I throw on some make-up, get my nails done, or wear a pair of heels to present myself to the world the way I want to be seen and it’s exactly what I will continue to do unapologetically. My body, my image and how I choose to look and what I want to share is my choice.”
Hollywood’s fixation on the bodies of female celebrities is, of course, not a new thing, and these standards are how the Kardashians make their money, through sponsorships, clothing lines, and beauty brands. “I have realized that we cannot continue to live life trying to fit into the perfect mold of what others have set for us,” she finishes. “Just do you and make sure your heart is happy.”