In 1965, Disney released a live-action movie that no one remembers called That Darn Cat!, about a cat who is also an informant for the FBI. In 2021, HBO Max is releasing a new original comedy series called That Damn Michael Che that borrows from That Darn Cat!’s naming convention but otherwise has zero cat detectives. Instead, the six-episode series stars Saturday Night Live Weekend Update anchor Michael Che, who uses sketches and vignettes “to illustrate what it feels like to experience various every-day situations including racial profiling, unemployment, falling in love,” and more. Cecily Strong, Heidi Gardner, Ellen Cleghorne, Billy Porter, and Method Man also lend their talents. And what would a Che-based series be without his co-anchor, Colin Jost? It certainly wouldn’t be about a cat who solves a mystery. Then again, neither is this. According to the teaser above, That Damn Michael Che will stream on HBO Max beginning May 6.
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