Category is: grand finales. The trailer for Pose season three is here and with it, a final glimpse at the groundbreaking series. The show’s last season takes place in 1994 where we find Blanca (Mj Rodriguez) struggling to balance being a mother with her career as a nurse’s aide. Meanwhile, as AIDS continues to wipe out Americans ages 24 to 44, Pray Tell deals with unexpected health issues. Billy Porter’s performance in the trailer alone deserves a standing ovation. Blanca convinces her old friends to return to ballroom by — what else? — giving one of her empowering speeches. “We’ll do it together, as a family,” she says in the trailer. “I’m done running from myself, my destiny. I’m not running no more. Who’s with me?” Girl, us! Pose also stars Indya Moore, Hailie Sahar, Dyllón Burnside, and Angel Bismark Curiel, along with Dominique Jackson and all of her fabulousness. The legacy continues May 2 on FX.