Is Zack Snyder an Always Sunny in Philadelphia fan? Because the title he originally wanted for the already unfortunately titled 2016 DCEU film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice seems more than a little inspired by Dayman, fighter of the Nightman, champion of the sun. According to Coming Soon, Snyder and collaborator Chris Terrio gave an interview at Justice Con over the weekend, where Snyder revealed that he wasn’t happy with the name of the superhero smackdown film either. “The whole ‘v’ instead of ‘versus,’ it was like this crazy negotiation. I was like, ‘Guys, can’t we just do something like Son of Sun and Knight of Night, or something that’s a little bit more poetic?’ And they were like, ‘Absolutely not’ [Laughs]. I was like, ‘Is it a court case?’” We’re unfortunately going to have to side with Warner Bros. on this one. Son of Sun and Knight of Night is the corniest, hokey-pokiest, Pokémon Sun and Moon, Sword and Shield–sounding title for a superhero movie we’ve ever heard. We bet he would have called the Joker movie King of Sting. You know, something “poetic.”