Chrissy Teigen, who took a temporary break from Twitter in March because she couldn’t “block out the negativity,” has apologized for past tweets to Courtney Stodden that include requests for the then-teenager to “take a dirt nap.” “I have tried to connect with Courtney privately but since I publicly fueled all this, I want to also publicly apologize,” Teigen tweeted on May 12. “I’m so sorry, Courtney. I hope you can heal now knowing how deeply sorry I am.” Stodden attracted negative media attention in 2011 after marrying a 50-year-old acting coach at age 16 — a relationship they say they now realize they were groomed into. Stodden told the Daily Beast that on top of the tweets, Teigen sent private DMs encouraging them to kill themself. In her apology thread, Teigen described her past self as “an insecure, attention seeking troll,” adding that the shame and embarrassment she feels is nothing compared to the way she made Stodden feel. “I am so sorry I let you guys down,” Teigen added to her followers. “I will forever work on being better than I was 10 years ago, 1 year ago, 6 months ago.”
Update 6:39pm: Stodden has responded to the apology by posting a screenshot on Instagram post showing that they are still blocked by Teigen on Twitter. “I accept her apology and forgive her,” Stodden wrote in the caption. “But the truth remains the same, I have never heard from her or her camp in private. In fact, she blocked me on Twitter. All of me wants to believe this is a sincere apology, but it feels like a public attempt to save her partnerships with Target and other brands who are realizing her ‘wokeness’ is a broken record.”