First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they build a tunnel up under the Pearl River Gang and take their revenge for the life of Earl the saloon bartender. That seems to be the case for Elon Musk’s extremely forward-thinking cowboy Leron, in Saturday Night Live’s Western parody, anyway, who finds his fellow cowfolk baffled by his knowledge of technology they’ve never even heard of yet. “I do like electric horses and self-driving horses,” he maintains. “Which are just horses.”
In the end, however, we all know money is a golden rock that we dig out of the ground, always has been, always will be, and that the best way to fight the Pearl River Gang is with an ill-fated ambush that will inevitably result in everyone’s death. Still, even the extremely prescient Leron couldn’t have predicted that this sketch would end with both an intricate vulture puppet and a musical number, no matter how many electric horses he’s got charging outside.